Achieve Radiant Skin with Regular Infrared Sauna Sessions

Did you know that in addition to shedding excess water weight and relieving muscle tension, infrared saunas can also give you glowing skin? Yes, it's true! Whether you want to promote plump skin or clear up a breakout, sweating it out in an infrared sauna is your ticket to healthy skin. Making infrared sauna sessions a part of your weekly routine is a perfect way to care for your skin from the inside out. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits for your skin and how to get the most out of your sauna session.

As we all know, our skin changes as we age, and it's important to take steps to keep it looking youthful and healthy. When thinking about skincare, infrared saunas may not be top of mind. However, infrared sauna use has been shown to provide a range of anti-aging benefits for your skin. The radiant heat from the sauna helps increase circulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells and promoting the production of collagen and elastin, which can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Consistent sauna use can bring you healthy, glowing skin while helping to reduce wrinkles and crow’s feet. You can also expect to see improvements in overall skin tone, softness, smoothness, elasticity, clarity, and firmness.

At Revival, our Sunlighten mPulse sauna has patented technology to deliver the perfect wavelength of near, mid, and far infrared light. When near-infrared is applied to the skin, fibroblast cells absorb the light, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Over time, this leads to thicker, younger-looking skin, reduced lines, faded scars, and improved skin renewal, cell health, and tissue growth. What a wonderful way to restore, refresh, and rejuvenate your skin. Level-up your skincare routine with infrared – you won’t regret it!

Collagen and Elastin Production Boost

Collagen gives your skin a plump, youthful appearance and prevents sagging and wrinkles. Elastin helps the skin stretch and keep its original shape and firmness. The gentle heat from an infrared sauna session stimulates collagen and elastin production, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and giving your skin a smoother, more youthful look. Regular sauna sessions (3 to 4 times a week) are ideal for the best results.

Enhanced Circulation

The gentle, penetrating heat dilates blood vessels, promoting better circulation. Increased blood flow delivers more oxygen and essential nutrients to skin cells, giving it a healthy, rosy glow. Enhanced circulation also aids cell turnover in injured or damaged areas, improving the appearance of scars and reducing cellulite. Increased heart rate and localized blood circulation work together to prevent fatty deposits and fibrosis from accumulating in fat cells, reducing the appearance of cellulite.


Your skin is your largest organ, and sweat is a major elimination channel for toxins. Infrared saunas are clinically proven to reach deeper skin levels, effectively removing environmental toxins. Sweating in an infrared sauna helps flush out impurities from the body, resulting in a clearer, more vibrant complexion. Fewer clogged pores mean fewer breakouts and reduced acne. Infrared saunas also help improve the appearance of acne scarring.

Less Stress, More Glow

Stress directly impacts skin health. Under stress, your glands produce more oil, worsening acne in those prone to outbreaks. Stress can also trigger conditions like psoriasis and eczema, affecting skin aging. Stress hormones break down collagen and elastin, speeding up the aging process. Infrared saunas promote relaxation and reduce stress, improving skin condition and contributing to a radiant appearance.

Tips for Maximizing Your Sauna Session at Revival

Hydrate: Drink plenty of water before and after your sauna session. Being well-hydrated helps produce a healthy sweat, clearing out your pores. Hydrate afterward to replenish lost moisture.

Exfoliate: Lightly exfoliate before sweating to prevent dead skin cells from being absorbed. Check out the dry brush options in the studio. After the sauna, gently exfoliate again to remove any toxins.

Dress Appropriately: Wear a swimsuit or loose, comfortable athletic wear in the sauna. You can also wear nothing at all! It's totally up to personal preference but definitely less is more! For after your session, we recommend loose, comfortable clothing.

Digitally Detox: Leave your phone outside. Bring a book, journal, or listen to music or guided meditation.

Cool Down & Rehydrate: Towel away sweat and drink at least 24 oz. of water post-session. Enjoy an LMNT electrolyte packet or Harmless Harvest Coconut water from our drink bar. Cool down naturally in our lounge and wait at least an hour before showering.

Consistency is Key: Stick with it for long-term benefits. Just like exercise or healthy eating, consistent sauna use brings results. You may not sweat much initially, but over time, the detoxification process will increase, leaving you rejuvenated and healthy. Ask us about ways to amplify your sweat session at Revival.

Ready to experience the magic of infrared saunas for yourself? Book your session at Revival today and let your skin shine with natural radiance.


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