
Introducing your own personal reset button. 

NuCalm is an all-natural, drug-free, non-invasive stress relief technology. It’s your daily antidote to stress and a non-negotiable biohack in your daily routine.

An afternoon NuCalm can replace caffeine, naps or sugar for afternoon dips in focus and energy. In only 20 minutes, you can reap the benefits of 2 hours of deep sleep – it’s the ultimate power nap.

NuCalm promotes relaxation within minutes, switching off stress with the world’s only patented technology for interrupting stress at the midbrain to help you achieve optimal brain and body recovery. You can literally change your mental state on demand. This patented neuroacoustic software uses binaural signal processing, frequency-following-response neurobiofeedback, and complex vibration, resonance, and harmonic oscillations to create resonant frequencies in the alpha and theta frequency ranges (12Hz-4Hz) – where recovery and restoration naturally occur.

So what should you expect for your NuCalm session here at Revival? You’ll get comfortable and we’ll apply a NuCalm biosignal processing disc to your left wrist - activated by the magnetism of the skin, the disc stops your acute stress response and activates your brain’s natural relaxation system. Next, you’ll put on noise-canceling headphones and rest your eyes under a comfortable NuCalm Light-Blocking eye mask, and you’re off! 

NuCalm eases your brain and body’s sympathetic nervous system out of ‘fight-or-flight’ response by helping cortisol levels decline, and allowing the parasympathetic nervous ‘rest and digest’ system to take over. Prepare for stress reduction, deeper sleep and improved performance. When your NuCalm journey is over, you’ll feel balanced, energized and focused, yet calm and relaxed.  

  • • Reduced stress

    • Reduced anxiety

    • Reduced muscle soreness and accelerated recovery

    • Improved sleep

    • Increased concentration and productivity

    • Neuromuscular release

  • Does this really work? YES. Managing your mental state on demand may seem too good to be true. But from our own experience, NuCalm completely quiets the mind and allows the body and mind to go into an amazing state of relaxation. NuCalm is more than calming music, it is decades of research wrapped into one patented neuroacoustic platform.

    When should I NuCalm? You can NuCalm any time of day you need, but afternoons are ideal for NuCalm when your body naturally wants to rest. Alternatively, many people NuCalm in the morning, after a poor night’s sleep, or because their schedule won’t allow time in the afternoon.

    How long are the sessions? We offer a 20-minute PowerNap and 30, 40 and 50 minute sessions that are restorative.

    Can I stack NuCalm with other Revival sessions? YES, but we recommend for your first NuCalm session that you experience the magic on its own. We don’t want anything to distract you from getting the full effect of NuCalm and want you to experience it as intended. After your first session, it’s totally your call if you want to add NuCalm to a BallancerPro session or add IGNITE to a Red Light session.

    How should I feel during NuCalm? During NuCalm, your mind will wander, your breath will slow and deepen, your body will feel heavy, and you may feel some tingling and muscle twitching. You will lose sense of time and space and your mind will continue to wander, as you fall into a state between consciousness and deep sleep.

    Have more questions? Reach out.